Zodiac Candle - Aries

$ 29.00

 The right candle scent can stir creativity, instill calm and serenity, or help you feel energized. Every zodiac sign can use the power of aromatherapy and scent to stimulate qualities

To match their fiery, intense approach to nearly every aspect of their life, Aries requires a spicy scent, like Juniper Smoke. All spiced-based scents are recommended for Aries, especially those featuring cinnamon, ginger, or pepper to simulate their psyche. Aries loves to add fuel to the fire, which is why Juniper Smoke is perfect with its woodsy approach including notes of pine, cedar and juniper.


  • No filter
  • Get's angry, then forgets why they were angry
  • Thinks everything is a game they can win
  • Will do anything on a dare
  • Easily Bored

Ingredients: 100% U.S. grown soybean wax, cotton core wicks, USA-made glass and lids, essential oil-infused fragrance oils. 9oz.

Burning Instructions: Trim wick to 1/4 inch before lighting. Keep candle free of any foreign materials including matches and wick trimmings. Only burn the candle on a level, fire resistant surface. Do not burn the candle for more than 4 hours at a time.